There has been a crochet storm in my house!!! Been trying to get so many things done before the holidays are upon us. Y'all know that I am making a blanket for each of our babies, right? Well after making myself a slouchie beanie, I decided to make the two older kids one as well! I think that they came out super cute :)
I got the pattern from Jenn Likes Yarn, it's such a cute pattern to work with and I think the kids are really gonna love them! I told them that the hats were for their cousins :) I did alter it a tiny bit only because I start the base of my hats differently, nothing wrong with hers, why mess with a good thing? Oh I can't forget to add mine too, I love how it came out! I think mine and M's came out a lil too big (I'm just anal) but I still love them! I used my favorite heart pattern to make the hearts for S's hat and the same for the skull (really think I'm going to make a whole bunch of skulls as a garland for Halloween).
& what is a hat without a scarf? I decided to make them matching scarves have the first one almost done!
Our youngest 1st birthday is right around the corner and I decided that I am making her a summer blanket, been working on it all of two weeks (yea I'm slow, can you blame me with 4 kiddos ;) ) I'm hoping that it will be big enough for her to use when she is much older. I was thinking about adding fabric to the not so pretty sides of all of the blankets, a nice cottony fabric for the summer blanket and perhaps fleece for the Christmas blankets. I'm still trying to find instructions on how to do this though, want to get it right being that I have never done it. I want it to be very summer, like popsicles on a hot summer day! I'm using Sugar' n Cream in Hot Purple, Peaches & Cream in Bright Pink, Sunshine & Floral Bouquet.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Something about nothing
How was everyone’s weekend?
Mine was especially wonderful
because the fiancée was off work. We had a lazy Saturday complete with playing
Wii, crocheting, making play-doh and coloring. Dinner was so darn good that
night too! The fiancée and I made (leftover) brisket enchiladas (recipe from
the May 2013 issue of Rachael Ray magazine) with homemade refried beans,
avocado salsa (a delicious recipe that I got from Nikki over at Chef inTraining) and black beans. Everything was soooo good, we stuffed ourselves
Sunday we decided to take the littles to our local water
park to cool off. They had a lot of fun running thru all the different squirters
and fountains, I even got some good memory worthy photos of them. Afterwards T fired up the pit and BBQ'd a few pork steaks and corn on the cob (which, by the way, he was skeptical about trying because he (and I quote) "only like corn on the cob from Ohio" lol). It all came out wonderful (does that surprise you?)!

I had been working non-stop on the blanket for T & I but
I ended up running out of yarn yet again, NOT ONCE BUT TWICE and on two
different projects at that (I had started a summer blanket for Pea’s 1st
birthday, after I ran out the first time). Luckily though I get to buy yarn on Thursday,
yayness! Today is another day, did some cleaning, bout to feed my littles lunch
and then I am going to sit down and make myself a hat. I probably won’t wear it
for another 3 months because it’s so darn hot here, but I like it and that’s
all that matters. Right? I got the inspiration from a hat I saw on Etsy, in
LoveFuzz’s shop. I am making it with Vanna’s Choice yarn in Olive and I think I
am going to use a J hook, so excited about making it! I think afterwards I may
start the fingerless gloves for Christmas presents for the littles.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Blanket Ta-Dah!
How are y’all on this beautiful day? I am doing excellent
(except for a slight migraine)! I have just finished the blanket I was making
for my eldest son, M and as promised here is the big TaDah!!! I hope y’all are
(ignore the mess my son decided to take all his books down right when I was taking the pic.) Welp I am not going to stay on much longer much to do and I kinda want to rest a little bit :) I hope y'all absolutely lerv the blanket!!!!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
What's going on?!?
Between my family, school and crocheting I have been super
busy and I apologize for not blogging in a long while. I sorry. Better? No?
Okay how about this, I am really super, duper sorry and I will try really hard
to write on my blog more than once a month. I am going to try for at least
three times a week, even if it is about nada. How about that, better? Yay!
What have I been up to you ask? Well I am glad you did. As y’all
know I was making a blanket for the love nest, but I had to put a hold on that
because I ended up running out of yarn about five inches from the end. POUT!
Then when I went to the store to buy more come to find out they stopped
carrying that particular yarn. DOUBLE POUT! Hobby Lobby? The same. UGHHHH! Well
I did finally find the yarn…online at RedHeart’s website. Obviously I ordered a
couple skeins of it and the more obvious thing to do when you have a WIP is to
start something else, especially when you start wandering around aimlessly
trying to figure out what to do with your time.
After thinking a lot of what I wanted to make while waiting for
my order to come it, I had a major “AHA!” moment. I decided that I was going to
make each of my babies their very own blankets for Christmas. I know, I know, “Most
kids want toys for Christmas, Crystal.” Well to go with their toys I wanted to
make them something that I hope they appreciate when they are much older (and
hopefully not when I am dead and gone). I have started and almost finished the
one that I am making for my oldest son, M. I like it and I’m pretty sure he
does as well because while I am working on it he always says how pretty it is.
I’m not doing anything fancy just a traditional granny square, I made six of
them with approximately twelve rows in each. I used RedHeart worsted yarn in
four different colors; Shaded Dusk, Light Blue, Light Grey & Dark Blue (I’m
pretty sure it was dark blue, I threw the tag away last night since I was done
with it.). I finished joining them together last night using the method that Lucy
(over at Attic24) uses :)
I love it, it looks so nice and neat. All I have to do is, I think, three more
rows on the outside and I will be done. Then I can put it up in the closet and
start the next one for my oldest daughter, S. Of course I will probably work on
ours a little bit while I am waiting to buy the yarn.
Time to get my hook ready to go, stay tuned for a TADAH! photo
of the finished blanket, either later today or tomorrow. Until then.
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