These past couple weeks I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with ways to be successful with this blogging thing. You know, being able to blog about things I'm passionate about without overwhelming myself. I mean yes I am a stay at home mom, but I also have to bring our children to school and to ABA everyday during the week. I enjoy sharing, crocheting, cooking and looking over pinterest, so I'm thinking on Fridays I'm going to share something I find during the week that I think is awesome enough to share...hopefully y'all find it awesome too because I've been told I'm easily entertained ;)
My first Friday find I saw on The Crochet Crowd's facebook page. It's super cute and called a No Fuss Fish, and the creator of it wrote a pattern which can be found at
Eden Reborn
I love it! Fish are my favorite and this may be the cutest fish ever. I can't wait to make this!
I think they would be cute Christmas presents and with a little creativity they can be altered to look like different species of fish :)
Mother's day is quickly approaching and that brings me to my next Friday Find. I've always wanted a necklace that displays my children's names on it but I wanted to wait until we were sure are family was complete and now that it is, I've found the perfect necklace!
I saw it and fell in love. I think that I would want it with my husband's name, along with mine on the top, then each of our children on the bottom, all separated with hearts. Don't get me wrong I'd be perfectly happy with say sleeping in and breakfast in bed.
The two youngest littles and I have been a bunch of sickos as of this past week; fever, sniffles, coughing, and other nasty name it, we did it. The older two and I still have it, just the mucus part of it, Cass caught the full affect of it today and he has been giving mommy a run for her money. I don't know about y'all but I hate it when my babies are sick, especially since they don't understand that the medicine your trying to give them and they can't tell you exactly what's ailing them...even more so AA since he's nonverbal. Despite the ickies I was able to finish Pea's dress and it came out lovely, I haven't been able to take pictures of her in it yet (she isn't having mommy's picture taking shenanigans while she's sick) so here's a sneak peek.

Beautiful isn't it? I love this pattern by Mon Petit Violon, its called the Granny Square Crochet/Fabric dress and you can find it
here on Ravelry or on Pinterest by searching "crochet fabric dress"....which also has many more designs that I've pinned...I may have an addiction to yarn...or pinterest....
I used Hobby Lobby's I love This Cotton in Mulberry with a size F 3.75 mm hook and the fabric I got from Wal-Mart..I can't remember the name of it but I do remember it was 4.44 for (a lot of fours/fors there huh?) a yard and a half. I will put pictures up of her wearing up sometime this week. xx
I am in no way affiliated with these websites, blogs or companies ie., etsy shops. I am simply sharing because sharing is caring....