Until I can make it to Hobby Lobby to get a refill, ha ha ha get it? Refill? (I make myself laugh lol) I started making granny squares for the pixelated Pikachu blanket...I started a couple days so and I have 41...which is not to bad...except I have 1726 to go :/
Don't let these colors fool you, they aren't that bright. I went through a bunch of patterns to get this granny square, although they were all well written I wasn't very fond of how they looked, I ended up adapting one :)
The no poo is going really well! I can go a week without washing my hair, and the only time it gets greasy is when I put products in it and even then, it's very little and it actually has waves :)
This was a lazy day, don't judge ;)
I leave y'all with the amazing cup of coffee that I'm drinking while I work on these squares!
Doesn't it look delicious? That's cause it is :)